832 498 9008 info@pterabyte.net Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM
832 498 9008 info@pterabyte.net Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Computer and Network Installations

We have the hardware and networking skills to rejuvenate your network. Stop running your valuable business on outdated equipment, your employees will thank us!

Data Backup and Cloud Solutions

Secure your data! Nothing is more important than ensuring your data is safe with reliable backup solutions. When catastrophe strikes, you will be back-up and running in no time.

Website Development and Design

Proudly display your products and services online. We offer customized logos, graphic design, and web development for all business sizes.

Network Security Solutions

Stay protected against the threats of the web. We provide virus protection, education, and removal as well as managed firewall services and more.

Windows Server Administration

Pterabyte has you covered on all of your Windows Server administration needs. We have experience with Active Directory, Group Policy, Deployment Services, and much more.

Superior Desktop Support

Available by phone, email, or web based client – we are here to assist you. We guarantee excellent customer service as well as desktop, network, and hardware support.

Lets Talk!

Contact us now to set up a free evaluation.
Hard Drives Replaced
Software Installations
Terabytes of Storage
How we do it

Network and Computer Installations

Completely revamp your entire network at a very affordable cost. Replacing your hardware will result in faster day to day operations, less downtime, and a reduced risk of crashes. We have a variety of offerings to replace your old computers, servers, and networking equipment with blazing fast upgrades.

Backing Up your Data

Nothing is more important than ensuring that your data is backed up properly. Don’t let all of your company documents go extinct! We will ensure that you have scheduled backups locally and offsite, with multiple programs for redundancy. Pterabyte will find the best backup solutions for any environment your network may be running on.

Website Development and Design

A stunning website is a great way to draw in new customers, and to tell the world about how great your company is. If you are a small start up, freelancer, mid sized business, eCommerce company, or even a large corporation – Pterabyte Tech Solutions can help you! Get a professional, customized website at an amazing price.


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